Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy, that's what I am. Happy. :)

Now, if only I could win $10million dollars, that would be the icing on the cake! :) (too much?)

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Monday, October 26, 2009

I mean honestly, the one time I get up early to go for a swim and the gym is not open! This is seriously taking up my precious swim time! Not that I'm swimming properly, that is. I don't really know what the problem is and why I can't swim. I used to be able to as a child and I believe that I was quite good at it too.

And now look at me, I can't swim. I just can't. But I'm hoping that if I do it a couple of times a week, then I would get enough practice and be able to. After all, ppl tell me that swimming needs practice.

COME ON gym- open up!!
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I love cookng shows. Despite hating Mondays though, the nights are definitely worth looking forward to. I came home today to a lovely home-cooked meal by my darling Luke. We are still on the CSIRO diet and so far, its week 4. I think we're going ok, although I really think that I should up the exercise.

Dinner for the night, tuscan chicken breast with lovely kidney beans and fresh herbs. Very professional and very delicious. Although I'm a tad concerned with the amount of salt in my diet and what its going to do to my kidneys. I'll just have to drink extra amounts of water or something.

And as we were eating, we were watching that new Jamie Oliver show. Which was really interesting and was about Jamie's culinary road trip across America. Quite cool. I was a bit disappointed that he did now show us a sample of the giant pizzas though. I so wanna go there! Jamie also met a guy called George, Columbian George who uses his own money and cooks food for the illegal immigrants who are mostly homeless and have no food. He does it every single day and delivers it to them. Amazing man.

2030 comes around, and my favourite show, Top Chef is on. Awesome. So inpsired by all the cooking shows I'm watching, I whipped up a banana split and in a flash of creativity, I crushed some butternut snaps and sprinkled it over the banana split with some Hershey's chocolate syrup. Absolutely divine.

Perfect end to an otherwise bla day.

Sleepy byes, will write more later.


Ps. New addiction: Keeping up with the Kardhashians and Kourtney and Khloe take on Miami. Awesome. I'm wondering how I never watched this show before!
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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kelly Binsimon from the Real Housewives of NYC just shits me. She really does. I mean COME ON woman, get over urself. You have the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old. Your feud with Bethenny, all in your head! You think that everyone wants your man? You're wrong! You are so repulsive, you make me sick.

Ugh. For the record: I hate Kelly Binsimon.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest. Can't believe that I wasted all that time talking about her though. But seeing her on TV just shits me!

So new fave TV show: Kourtney and Khloe in Miami, or whatever its called. Awesome. I see a lot of myself in Khloe, so I can completely relate.

Hmmmmm- anyone reading this for the first time would think that I have a tv addiction. Hee hee, but I have nothing interesting to say today.
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Perfect beach weather today, so what did I do? I went to the beach. The stupid thing was that I thought that I should take my dog out on a day like today. Stupid idea.

First rant for the day- PEOPLE CAN'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND INSTRUCTIONS!!! It just makes me angry because I took Rosie down to Bellerive beach with Leo and Clare and this white little fluffball- the worst kind of pathetic fru fru dogs- came up to Rosie- NOT ON A LEAD. So here I am trying to pick up after her and I can't because she is going ferral at this dog. And the lead flew out of my hand and she tries to attack the little white thing. And the owners are just standing there like idiots. And the guy was like, oh, it's our fault, he should be on a lead. SO HE SHOULD FUCKING WELL BE. I mean come on... People like that make me so angry. The instructions are clear and simple "Dogs must be on a lead at all times". And the best thing was that the next time we passed that family with the white fluffball, they still did not put her on a lead and the owner (lady one) stood there glaring. I was so ready for her to say something and I was going to have a go. The audacity of some people. And three bitches who had their dogs off the leash as well glared at Rosie when she went off at the dogs and were not even gracious in receiving apologies. Well, you know what bitches: FUCK YOU.

So glad I got that off my chest. :)

But seriously, I don't know what to do with Rosie. I just don't understand how she is this snarling aggressive dog outside the house when she is the most placid loving dog indoors.

I mean look at this face...

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some people need to be taught a lesson...

Some people are really just too nice. Kel told me about the boy situation today and an uncomfortable encounter at the pool with a certain P and his kid and his possible CURRENT gf. I mean honestly. WTF.

The thing with these bastards is that they are soooooooo lucky that they meet the nice girls like Kel. Honestly, if it were me, I would make his life at the pool a living hell. Aint that the truth. This is why these people never learn. They never learn that their actions hurt other people. They need to see how it directly affects them and THAT is what is going to deter them. I was so angry with what Kel was telling me about him, that I may or may not have directly quoted Sex and the City " Tell him to forget that he even knows u".

Of course that is easier said than done. Although I still honestly believe that Damion is not a bad person. He just knew what he wanted and I wasn't it. There was no point in being mad at him because he did what he thought was the best and even though I didn't think so at the time, it really was. Because now I have Luke and he is really all I care about.

Which reminds me- I want to do another character sketch. I think its time. :) My RSVP experience. Haha.
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Monday, October 19, 2009

So it was a nice hooping class today as the giggling girls were NOT there. Even though I'm totally unco and completely retarded.

So exercise/diet regime. Its coming along although I did have a huge chicken burger at soho, only average. The chips were good though. :) oopsss... Wonder whether I'll get up tomorrow for the gym?

Keren is paranoid of her boyfriend flirting with one of her best mates. In front of her! Her best mate was kissing his shoulder AND twirling his hair. Not on. If someone did that to luke in front of me, I'd probably knock her teeth out. But I'm not a violent person. :)

Clare's backyard is flooded- because the builder didn't put drainage in the house next door. Terrible.

Anyway, I do have a bit more to say, but I need to go to bed.


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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I have been feeling terrible all day. I mean that dream yesterday has affected me somehow. I just don't understand. And the more I think abt it, the more I'm convinced that I was lucid dreaming. And what makes it worse it that I was AWARE in my dream and thought: to hell with it, I'm not going to ever get to do this in real life. Which means that I can't hide behind "it was only a dream". The fact that I was aware makes me a huge hypocrite. And that is what is making me feel like crap.

And call me crazy, but I am convinced on some subconscious level, he was there too. If only there was a weird way to ask him whether he had the exact same dream. Because I bet u anything, he did.

As for today, it was pretty non-eventful. Aside from my guilty feelings, that was about it really.

I need to decide what I'm going to wear tomorrow. What goes with wretched?
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